Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I love to watch the History Channel. I find all of the World War II military history shows fascinating. I think it's cool that most of the shows on the History Channel are about World War II because the majority of people who watch the History Channel served or vividly remember World War II.

I think this is interesting because in the history of the world, history can probably be categorized into a few different categories, gender, national, ancient, social, and military history.

But out of these categories, military history is probably the most interesting, because there are the most feelings, perspectives and actions that take place. Sure social history is interesting, but there is no outline of battles that took place in order to make changes happen. Following military history is fascinating and easy because you see clear causes and effects that you can rarely see elsewhere within the realm of history. For example, we don't really understand all of the causes that led to Women's Suffrage, but we can probably list a few key factors to how we won the Civil War. Or World War I or World War II. Which leads me back to my original statements about the History Channel. Not only does the History Channel have most of it's programs spotlighting World War II because of it's audience, it will probably continue to highlight wars as this is the easiest and also the most complex subject to cover.

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