Monday, October 18, 2010

Yay Me!

Three Jobs That Are Too Good For Me:

1. A security guard for the President.
Don't get me wrong, I'm as patriotic as they come, and I love Obama, I'm just not too sure that I love this country enough to take a bullet for it. In war, that's a different story, because that's a country to country, issue to issue type of deal, but to die just because some psycho wants to kill the president? Not my thing. Shouldn't the president be wearing some sort of bullet proof vest all of the time anyway?

2. To work at a pharmacy in West Palm Beach
Sure, pharamcists make a lot of money, but pharmacies in general confuse me. I am not scientific or mathematical in any way, so the thought of working somewhere that is all about science is not that appealing to me. Also, I would be worried about getting sick all of the time, because mostly sick people go to the pharmacy. And I've never been to West Palm Beach, but I hear it's either hot and humid or thunderstorms. I'm more of a mild climate girl.

3. Kindergarten teacher.
Probably no one could pay me enough money to do this. I love kids, but running a day care where you actually have to teach the kids something is beyond me. Only the greats can do this, and I am not a great.

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