Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hitting Rock Bottom

You Know You've Hit Rock Bottom When:

1. You sell your own kidney for crack
2. Your best friend is the food prep manager at Dell Taco. He only works the late night shifts.
3. You sell your best friends baby for crack
4. You refer to yourself as your nick name on World of Warcraft
5. The only woman you saw in the past month was your mom
6. Your girlfriend is a Japanese pillow named Kimiko
7. You start breaking out in the Aladdin song "Street Rat"
8. You sleep outside of an auto repair shop in Boise, and the rats smell better than you do. (not that there's anything wrong with auto repair shops, or Boise, it's just a lethal combination man)
9. You played video games for 3 days straight, forgot to eat and had to be rushed to the hospital
10. You over dose on Flintstones Vitamins
11. When you won't admit you have a problem
12. You gauge your time based on how many levels of call of duty you've beaten. You created an algorithm for it to make it simpler. The average number of minutes it takes to finish a level, multiplied by number of friends you have....
13. You don't even have your baby daddy options narrowed down to three like in Mamma Mia.
14. You have no recollection of the past week because you've been so wasted
15. You share pants with your husband.

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