Tuesday, October 19, 2010

John Boos

Growing up we always had Cutco knives and I never thought anything of it, because I'm a kid, why should I care what kind of knives we have! Then as I grew older I realized the superiority of those knives. My mom bought hers in college, so I was hoping to save up in college to buy myself some. Well, that is a rich dream, let me tell you. To have any money after you are done with college is a feat, let alone having some while attending college. So for my most recent birthday my mom bought me some knives, and ever since I have been slightly to moderately obsessed with fine kitchen cookware. For example, have you ever seen a John Boos butcher block? Man, those things are nice. I bought one and it compliments my Cutco knives perfectly! Since I had such a great experience with by butcher block, I decided to look into other John Boos products. I found a beautiful John Boos table (which I bought) and a kitchen island (which I did not buy due to lack of space, because of the table which I have added to my ridiculously small apartment). But I plan on buying other products as soon as I get somewhere nicer and more permanent to live.

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