Monday, September 27, 2010

I Gots Mad Love For JT

One normal day I was on my laptop in Central Florida, Winter Park to be more exact when all of a sudden it made a weird noise that sounded like Justin Timberlake, or maybe Michael Jackson singing a high note. I didn't think it was my computer, but after looking all over my apartment for something else that could have sounded like JT I concluded it must have been my computer. Then I went back on to check my email and all I could see were classic paintings, which I actually loved. At first I thought my boyfriend had added an app to my laptop to make me happy. So after I let the pictures scroll through a few times I actually tried to use my computer, and it wouldn't work. I called a computer repair place and they said they could only fix it if it was an actual computer computer, those jerks. So I had to scour the phone book for a laptop repair place. I told them it was probably a virus and asked if they provided virus removal. Luckily they did! They said it was the Justin Timberlake virus (I was right, it was him singing!) and that it pretty much didn't do anything harmful to your computer, it was just crazy hard to get rid of, which is why they call it the JT virus, he isn't harmful, he is just hard to get over your love for him. Hm. And I thought I was the only one with that problem.

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