Tuesday, September 21, 2010


You know in the movie the Hangover when they accidentally take roofies? Life is kind of like that sometimes.

For example, back in '84 when I was working for this roofing company in Denver and I was on a job, and there I was, roofing away when all of a sudden, I was in a corn field. I thought I was dreaming so I decided to have the most fun I could. Then I found some crop circles, and I started freaking out and crying, "I want to wake up, I want to go back to roofing in Denver." It was pretty wimpy, I admit it. But still, crop circles and aliens have always freaked me out ever since I can remember. Especially since I saw that movie Signs. Talk about freaky, right? Am I the only one that was scared by that movie? Anyways, I'm in this corn field and I'm running for a long time and I find a swimming pool. There's a huge party with tons of people. I'm so excited to be with people again, how could I not join? They are all talking about where they are from, and no one had ever heard of Denver, and I'm thinking, there is something wrong here, Denver is a big city and...yep. I had been abducted by aliens.

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