Thursday, September 16, 2010


Have you ever been to Las Vegas and had a really crazy weekend? Yeah? How interesting! Did you get arrested and need a bail bondsman? Yeah? You are SO cool and original! False! Everyone has had a crazy weekend in Las Vegas! You are completely unoriginal! How do you feel about that??

You know what else in unoriginal?


Your name.
Sara, Matt, Daniel, Alex, Jennifer, get the picture.

Being a hipster.
What are you?? Beat? Hippie? Punk? Grunge?? I don't get you!

Liking foreign/indie film.
Amelie. Slumdog Millionaire. Requiem For a Dream.

Liking shows "no one else" knows about that got canceled "too early".
Arrested Development. Pushing Daisies. Firefly.

Going Green.
Riding a bike to work. Using the carpool lane. Eating organic.

Caring about the environment.
JK! who actually does this? I love GASOLINE!! Give me MORE!

Highschool texting/Emoticons
omg cn u believ dis? ;P dat grl is 2 gross :x :$ :( :#  <:-/

Using a bail bondsman.
JK. No one does that either. And no one exactly knows what a bail bondsman does either.

Funny cat pictures. Aka LOL CATZ
Confession - they are so funny. But only because they're not!

Michael Cera.
Stop being the same character in everything you act in. Stop it.

Reality TV Shows
Dating in the Dark? Bachelor Pad? Who is watching these??? Oh, that's right...everyone.

Please, try to be original text time. K thnx bye.

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